Madelyn had been using the BIG potty for a while! We would put her up on the potty right before bath time or when we were changing outside from our swimsuit. This summer was so busy…I just couldn’t find a LOOOONGGG stretch of time we were home to get down and dirty and finally potty train my lil girl. Some say their second child would watch their OLDER sibling and want to be just like them…not my Madelyn! She did not care at all if she sat in a dirty diaper so I was unsure how this little process was going to go! SOOO finally in August when Marcus and I returned form our vaca it was GO TIME! I had been talking up big girl panties for quite some time so we were off to our fav store TARGET :) There she picked out her favorite character panties and we went to the dollar isle and she picked out tons of dollar prizes and some M&M’s. We were armed and ready! There was no turning back!!! She again proves me wrong.
Day 1: One pee pee accident…no poo today!
Day 2: I knew we were in for a long day of back and forth to the potty since Madelyn who is usually regular had not pooed the day before! We had just walked in the door after making a donut run! She said “i gotta poo poo” so I hurriedly swept her up and off we went! We sat and sat and sat…I knew she needed to go, but was just not confident enough to go. Well I bribed and bribed her to go and she wouldn’t. Just as I was about to take her off the potty…our garage door to the house OPENED! I think that startled her and WAHLAH poo in the potty! It literally scared the poo out of her. From then on she has had NO problem pooing in the potty :) HOWEVER, that afternoon she did have another pee pee accident for only 2 accidents total!
Day 3: 1 tee tee accident and LAST ACCIDENT :) from here on “I ready to go tee tee” and she has right in the big girl potty :) Mason wasn’t too terribly hard to potty train, but Madelyn MUCH MUCH EASIER :)