Tuesday, December 30, 2008

37-38 Weeks

I had my 38 week appt. early trying to squeeze all my weekly appts. in before the holidays. This past Monday I was anxious to see what the doc had to say. Now that Christmas is over the next BIG EVENT will be Madelyn's birth! I am excited, nervous, anxious, and very very BLESSED!!! At my 37 week appt. I had an ultrasound and got to see Miss Madelyn again. She weighed in around 6lbs and had little hair that the ultrasound lady could see. She was measuring right on track and looked PERFECT! Then Monday I knew some PRE-LABOR things had been going on so I was ready to see if I had progressed any since the week before. I am now 2 cm dilated almost fully effaced and she is LOW LOW LOW! I really did not need the doc to tell me that one :) She thinks within a week or so she might make her appearance! If that is true she just might come on our ANNIVERSARY, January 5th!!! Now is the waiting game. I have had more energy since Christmas and am taking advantage of it taking Mason to the park and running last minute errands. My next appt. is January 5th for another ultrasound UNLESS Madelyn decides she is ready to see us before then :) I leave you with the LAST belly pic I will take before I head to the hospital!


S, J, B, & S said...

Wow, so exciting!!! I wish I had some progress like that! :) You have the cutest bump and you are right, she looks low! Can't wait for her big debut!!

Laura said...

I thought we were having a NY BABY but am eagerly awaiting your phone call! I can't wait to meet Miss Madelyn!