Monday, August 21, 2006

36 week update

Today I went to my 36 week dr. appt. I had tons of questions and wanted to hear good news. Well the best news was that I had only gained 1 pound in the last two weeks!! That was a plus considering what I had gained 2 weeks ago!!!!!!! It looks like Mason is not quite ready to come see us yet. My doctor did an exam (WOW! that did not feel good at all) and I am 1 cm but not effaced. She felt his head and said he moved it. It looks like I will have a couple more weeks to go until we meet Mason. If he doesn't come with in 3-31/2 weeks she is looking at inducing on September 14th. I hope he decides to make his arrival sooner though. She said I am looking at about a 7 lb baby boy :) It's a waiting game now!!


Sharee Forman said...

Wow, Hi!!! It's good to hear from you. And wow, CONGRATULATIONS!! I love the name Mason and you guys look so cute and very happy. I'm sure you can't wait for Sept. to get here so you can meet him! :) I'm very happy for you!

the thorntons said...

That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear that baby Mason has arrived. Hope you're doing well. Hang in there these last couple of weeks! :-)

allyo said...

Good to hear that everything is going well. We are both in the home stretch! It is funny that Mason and Camden will only be about a week apart. Can't wait for the phone call!