Thursday, September 20, 2007

My MAN!!!
Sarah tagged me to do this, so here goes...

The Game of Tag about your MAN:

1. Who is your man? Marcus Michael Schultz

2. How long have you been together? Married for over 51/2 but dated 3 yrs before getting engaged

3. How long did you date? We started dating right when I graduated from high school....Laura helped to hook us up :) THANKS!! We dated 3 yrs before getting engaged.

4. How old is your man? 28

5. Who eats more? WELL.....I would like to say him, but I think I do ;) I eat a lot of little things around the house but when we eat a meal together he usually eats more.

6. Who said "I love you" first? He did...I was at the Tri Delt lodge meeting all the pledges and I had not seen him much during rush week and it was late at night and he threw the 3 words in at the end of our it was after about 3 months of dating.

7. Who is taller? Marcus....tall and skinny

8. Who sings better? Lets start of by saying in HS I had to take a fine arts and EVERYONE was in I had to do what everyone else did and JOIN....Big mistake HUGE mistake! Well my BFF Laura and I ended up being in the ALL GIRLS choir (aka the group of people who are tone deaf, can't carry a tune, and OBVIOUSLY can not sing for their life!!) But Marcus is not any better than I :)

9. Who is smarter? We are both smart in our own areas....Marcus is great with numbers (buying and selling) Me....language arts side...only to a 5th grade level though ;)

10. Whose temper is worse? Good question....I would say him, he would say me!! Poor Mason....we need to work on this!!

11. Who does the laundry? Me...he helps when it piles up after trips

12. Who takes out the garbage? Usually him, but I do when it is REALLY overflowing

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Marcus does, but when we came home from the hospital I did because the bassinet was on that side so I could easily get to Mason and feed him.

14. Who pays the bills? He is better with numbers, so he does :) I RARELY even see the bills :) I like it that way. (but I am good at creating bills for him to pay)

15. Who is better with the computer? Toss up: He is an EXCEL wizard, me I can type fast

16. Who mows the lawn? Moy....yes neither of us....Marcus mowed it ONCE maybe and then we hired Moy!! He is cheap $20 every week.

17. Who cooks dinner? Jason's Deli, Quiznos, HEB fully cooked dinners, any restaurant we lay our eyes on!! I HATE to cook and don't do it that often....Marcus doesn't seem to mind :)

18. Who drives when you are together? Depends on when and where we are going. He thinks I am an AWFUL driver....I admit he is PARTLY correct.

19. Who pays when you go out? Who ever brought their wallet...doesn't matter it is all in the same family :)

20. Who is most stubborn? Marcus....if it is not his idea it is a BAD idea until it is HIS IDEA :)

22. Whose parents do you see the most? Toss up again......we see both in month we see mostly his fam then the next we see mostly my fam.

23. Who kissed who first? Marcus....after a few dates (i think) under his parents tree in the front yard...we weren't too obvious were we ;)

24. Who asked who out? Well.....Laura and I were going to Wet N Wild in a few weeks and Laura invited him to join us so not really either....after wet n wild he asked me to a watch a movie at his parents house :)

25. Who proposed? He did!!

26. Who is more sensitive? Me...absolutely 100%.

27. Who has more friends? Equal

28. Who has more siblings? sister for me and one brother for him

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Mason!!!! :)

TAG: Whoever has not been tagged :)


the thorntons said...

So fun to read about your man. Thanks for posting since I tagged you!

campers said...

i loved reading this....and i laughed outloud at #8

whitney said...

That is really funny!! I love it that Mason wears the pants ;)