Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Come Clean

Ok....I am copying this from a person I BLOG STALK :)

Time to come clean Blog Stalkers!! It was fun for a while watching my stat counter rise everyday, but now I am CURIOUS! It all started over Christmas. We went to Sunday Church...and low and behold I saw this girl standing a far. I was racking my brain "who is that...I know her...how do I know her...WHO IS SHE?" Then it hit me...it was a girl who I Blog Stalk!! So crazy running into someone you have never met, but know you "know" them especially when they aren't even from Katy. SMALL WORLD!! Thank goodness she has seen my blog too and I was not the only one!! Marcus thinks I am crazy reading other's blogs that I don't know....He will walk in and say WHO IS THAT? I simply answer "I don't know" :) I love reading about other cuties around the same age as Mason and I love getting IDEAS mostly!! Anyways, come clean WHO ARE YOU?


S, J, B, & S said...

Haha! I love it! :) Turns out I have stalked your blog too! Your son is so darling! Here's to blog stalkers everywhere!

Laura said...

Andrea that is hilarious! If only I had the time I totally would, so fun! Keep me filled in on interesting ones though! miss you! Wish I was going to NYC with you and Jenny!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

You already know I stalk your blog. :) NYC HERE YOU COME! Again? Didn't you JUST GO!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

You already know I stalk your blog. :) NYC HERE YOU COME! Again? Didn't you JUST GO!

The Rowe Crew said...

So funny!!!

I tell that story all the time now and it's so funny to hear how many other people do the same!

At least we aren't the only "crazies" out there :o)

Oh, and that 911 thing is hilarous!

Meredith said...

I love all this "coming clean" blog stalking! My husband thinks it's crazy that I enjoy reading about other people's lives who I don't know. Your little boy is just adorable! Meredith (friend of Brittney's)

Hollie Reese said...

I have wanted to this so many times!! I love it and I love your blog!

Angie Seaman said...

I just found your blog yesterday thru your blog designers site. However, I had to post when I saw the 911 call your son made considering my daughter had just done it a few months back. Great topic though!

Blessings, Angie Seaman (Indiana)

Shauna said...

I just linked to your blog from Kelly's but with this as the subject, I really felt like I should leave a comment!!! I may just start stalking from here on!!! :)

Anonymous said...

yo, where is the stat counter? Maybe I have some stalkers too???Too Funny. Tomorrow is almost here!

Jill said...

Okay... I'll come clean! I've stalked your blog a couple of times before. I found you through Kelly's blog. My husband also thinks it's crazy that I like to read other blogs of people that I don't know! Maybe I should have people come clean on mine too!

Anonymous said...

I'm a stalker! What can I say? But I do enjoy reading about your cute family! :-)
Emily Ruth

Natalie said...

well i just came to your blog after you commented on mine, so yes i will be adding you to my list of blogs to stalk! :)