Tuesday, April 08, 2008


What a fun day we had today! Today was Mason's first swim lessons. I started early because we will be traveling to the beach, and swimming TONS this summer. Mason has been in a pool last summer, but was not sure how this whole swim lessons would go. He did not know what to think at first, but loved the slide! I was not able to get many pictures because I was the only one there with him, so I will get some more soon. He went under, learned how to kick, learned bubbles, learned how to float on his back, and how to get to the side of the pool. Well all with my help or the teacher's help. It was fun and I know he will enjoy it more and more each time we go. When we were leaving and all morning he kept saying POOL POOL....obviously it left an impression on him ;)

Just a cute pic I thought I would throw in :) Looking for the ducks in our new backyard!

Just look at those dimples!

Eating a good breakfast before we go swimming...(don't worry we did not get into the water to swim until 1 hr. later ;)
Observing....look at that funky hair! Sorry the pic is dark :(
Mason's new kicks....he was not quite sure of them, but they grew on him...check out those bruises on his legs...poor guy!

Excited to jump in....actually he LOVED the slide and tried to slide every chance he could get! You mean I have to get in THERE!!! sorry for the blurr :(
**One thing I did notice was the older the kids the more afraid of the water they were if it was their first time swimming or in a pool. Mason is in a "starfish" class from babies to 2 yrs old. Most were kids his age and a one under 1. There are only 5 kids in his class which is GREAT! I am glad we started him early :)


Anonymous said...

I love his little piggy toes in his flip flops. Tell boogie Ninny misses him and can't wait to take him to the park to ride the train. :)

Laura said...

that is so exciting! I love it that he went swimming like a big fish! Go Mason! He will love the water! All of us kids did because my mom took us in the water early too! Maybe I can find a class for ms. Laney when she turns one! Miss you, see you soooooon!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Can I go to the beach with ya'll!???

Leigh Ann said...

Love the flip flops! He is becoming so handsome!

Where are the house pictures?:)