Long time LOTS going on!
Memorial Day weekend: My good friend from college, Whitney, and her husband came to H-town from Lubbock visit us and see the new place. It was so much fun seeing them. I had just found out I was pregnant and was SUPER TIRED, but we still had a great time hanging out, eating at Perry's Steakhouse (my favorite place) and SHOPPING...even though I did not buy anything due to my growing belly :) Whitney had met Mason once before when he was about 6 months old! He loved them. He loved walking in Randy's shoes and making Whitney put on and take off all of his own shoes. It is not often we see each other, but we are getting better at visiting and meeting up in fun destinations!

Randy's Shoes

Before dinner

Randy's other shoes ;)
HS Girl's Weekend: A while back we set a date to FINALLY get together and have a fun relaxing girl's weekend. We hardly get to see each other and when we got together we picked up where we all left off. We met at my house, relaxed, ate, relaxed, and ate some more. I am borrowing pictures from Mav's blog :) It was fun getting to see all my friends from HS and meeting their lil ones!! WOW, what 10 yrs. brings...BABIES :) Camden was such a smart lil girl with a fun spirit! I loved how she talked!! Laney, can I say TONGUE!! This lil girl will melt your heart with her big brown eyes! Caden, sweet sweet lil Caden. What a handsome lil guy! What a great lil boy you have Thompson!!! It was crazy to think Mason was once that small and SOON ENOUGH I will have another one that small! He was such a trooper traveling and everywhere we went....what a cutie :) I was sad that Mason was not there to play with his lil friends, but I have been EXHAUSTED and NAUSEOUS so I thought I would try to be the best host I could be and let Mason go with his daddy to Abilene. I sure missed him. However, Laney did get to play with him for a day since Laura arrived in Houston on Thursday. Mason LOVED being around the Baby :) They would hold hands it was tooo precious! The weekend had to come to an end, but we had a blast and started a new Tradition.

Antigua: Each year Marcus and I visit a new beach destination. This year the lucky spot was Antigua. What a beautiful place it was! We had a great time laying by the beach, taking a catamaran sailing down the coastline, and enjoying the beautiful weather! While we were away my parents came to Houston to watch Mason. They had a blast. He learned his ABC's, took 3 hr naps (nanny and papa wore him out), went to Chucky E. Cheese, went swimming and lots more. I don't think he had a spare minute to miss us, but we sure missed him!

Our Villa on the beach

View from our villa....just steps away!!!!

The beautiful beach

The Resort

1 of the Resorts Pools


The resort as we sail away on the catamaran :)

Sailing away on the catamaran

Marcus jet skiing in the background...my knee got in the way

Our cooler and cell the butler gave us

While we were away Mason....

Nanny wore me out!!!!!

Mason LOVES to swim especially with Kylie :)

Learning his ABC's

tired boy!

fun at Chuck E. Cheese
I love that Baby-Man!!!!
Ahhh Bob and Pam! I miss them. Tell them hello for me. Looks like you are having a great summer so far!
I am glad to see the pics of Mason walking in Randy's shoes :) We LOVE LOVE LOVE that little boy!! We had a great time hanging out that weekend! I wish we could have gone to Antigua at the same time as y'all but I guess we will just have to wait till September ;)
Nanny and PaPa loved every waking minute with Mason.
Every minute he was awake, we kept him busy, or was it the other way around. I especially enjoyed sitting him on top of the "Big Tractor", just to see his eyes light up with excitement. And when he told me "Big Rocks", I knew he wanted to sit on the pier and chunck rocks in the lake. Now mind you, Mason did not pick up pebbles to put in the plastic bag, no, he chose rocks so big, I had to help him. When he (we) chunked them in the lake, the splash was so big, water splashed on us.
There were times he would not let Nanny out of his site. He called her name and I knew I had to produce her, quickly. As the pictures denote, Nanny had no problem with his sleep time.
I could go on but I think ya'll know how much we love him.
I am just catching up! I had so much fun and love love loved your casa! I can't wait to come back. And love on your baby girl for me :). Love you!
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