Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Brown Eyed Girl

One Month Old

Seriously! One month has gone by...REALLY! I felt like the last month of pregnancy CRAWLED by, compared to this first month that I have had with Madelyn. It has been wonderful :) in every sense of the word! You forget just how much they grow and change DAILY...I can't take my eyes off of her...except to sleep of course. She has already outgrown some of her clothes!

Sleeping: She usually stays awake for about an hour sometimes more before falling back asleep (she likes to be held) She is usually awakened by a big diaper blowout OR Big Brother Mason :) However, I think she likes some noise around when she is sleeping. Sometime I feel she would never wake to eat if I did not make her. She goes for about 4-5 hrs sleeping before waking during the night. I usually put her down around 9pm then she wakes from 1-2:30am then goes right back to sleep until 6:30-7am!
Eating: Madelyn GUZZLES down her milk!! She is a gulper :) She can eat in a record 10 minutes! Sometimes she eats longer, but for the most part she is quick and to the point. During the day she eats every 3 or 4 hrs and at night about every 4-5 hrs :)

Likes and dislikes: Madelyn LOVES to be held. She loves her lil butt patted and she LOVES to snuggle (something Mason never liked) She is beginning to like her soothes her at night time before bed. Madelyn loves her Baby K'TAN sling...she falls right to sleep when I put her in it. She doesn't like when she has a belly ache (who does), She doesn't have too many dislikes YET :) We have gone on a few walks while Mason rode his bike and she seemed to like strolling through the neighborhood. If she poos during the night and I don't hear it she will sleep through it and it won't even phase her. I feel awful when she does wake to eat that she has been sleeping in a poo diaper!

Madelyn has BIG BIG brown eyes. When Mason was born he had BIG grayish blue eyes where Madelyn's are brown! She does have a ring of blue around her brown though...they are beautiful eyes :) We have nicknamed her Squeaky...that is all she seems to do..awake, at night, ALL DAY...she squeaks! I love those sounds :) We cherish every moment we have with her and Mason and love watching Mason with her! He is doing MUCH MUCH better having his lil sister around!


Unknown said...

I just love her so! Is she making an 'O' face in the first pic :)

whitney said...

She is so precious!! I can't get over how much she favors Marcus! She has his complexion and eyes :)

The Logans said...

I can't believe a month has already gone by. She is beautiful! I'm so glad things are going well for you guys.

Laura said...

I love your brown eyed girl! She is so sweet and reminds me so of Marcus! Wow, a month old, I need to see her again!! Miss you friend!