Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who Taught You That?!?!

I seem to be asking Mason this lately! Every now and then he will do something or say something that AMAZES me.....or......SURPRISES me :)

ex: We are in the drive through line with a field of grass across from us. Mason says, "Mommy I wanna tee tee in the grass!" WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT!!!!!!!! SURPRISE

ex: Mason makes this crazy noise with his mouth.....WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT!!!!!! AMAZED

ex: In Port Aransas we were all sitting around talking and Mason blurted out "My Birthday Coming up!" That's right Buddy! "I want a candle and cake" Of course Buddy! I then proceeded to ask him...How old will you be, Mason? He replies " TRES" and holds up three fingers in the OK hand signal! WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZED :) (Diego taught him that ;)

1 comment:

Jenny Wakulat said...

My lil buddy is so smart! So is Madelyn...hers a big girl now...already rolling over and talking to her Aunt Jenny on the phone in the mornings. Love them both so much!