Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mason's Profile

Isn't he handsome, just like his father!! I just love this picture. This was taken April 10th when I was just 17 weeks along. I am now 26 weeks and I can't imagine how much he has already grown!! (just like my belly) He is so precious and I can't wait for his arrival.

I have started to do some decorating in his room. Some of his furniture has come in and we have painted, but now I am just waiting on his bedding to be finished being made. I can't wait to put it all together.


ThePoeFam said...

Hey Andrea! This is Brittney!!! It was so fun to see that you had a blog! Congratuations on your sweet baby!! He is precious already! Anyway, I'll see you at Laura's wedding very soon...looking foward to it. It has been too long! :)

the thorntons said...

I'm SO happy you posted on my blog. I haven't talked to you in so long, but I've been thinking about you ever since I heard you were pregnant!! I actually just got to Abilene today, and I'm staying for a month because Ryan is in Iraq. Congratulations on the little boy on the way... How exciting!!