Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Tomorrow Mason has to get tubes put in his eyes!! This saddens me to think my lil guy is going to have to be put under and have tubes put in his eyes. About a month or so ago we had to have Mason's left eye "irrigated" because it was not draining. Well 70% of the time that works and nothing furhter has to be done, but in Mason's case it did not work. He has had pink eye and more tearing clogged up in his left eye. SO....we made the decision to get the tubes put in his eyes to stop future infections or clogging of tears. The doc assures me that he has done this procedure 100's of times and that Mason will be just fine. He told me that since Mason's eyes are so big you will be able to see the tubes :( He has also told me that some kids have pulled their tubes out before. I am so scared of this happening. At least they are not in forever. He should get them out in about 4-6 weeks. So, please pray....tomorrow at 6:30am we will head to the hospital and should be home mid morning.


Finally an Abrigg..... said...

POOOR MASON!!!! I'll be thinking about you guys!

the thorntons said...

Bless his heart. I know this will make things better in the long run, but it's still hard! I'm praying for Mason and for YOU!!

The Logans said...

Hey! I'm so glad Mason's surgery went well. I hope he continues to heal quickly. I know that must have been so hard for you.

whitney said...

I'm so glad that his surgery went well!! I know it was scary for all 3 of you!!!

Nominate someone or something in need said...

Mason is growing up so fast. He is so cute. He looks like a little man. Cant imagine going through all of that w/ little mason. bless his heart but know you guys will do a great job helping him recover!

My {Oh} My Musings said...

I hope Mason is all better and that there were no problems w/ his surgery! Thanks for the encouraging words on my blog! They mean alot to me! I hope you all are doing great! Give laura and laney a big hug for me! Take care!