YEAH!!! The foundation has been poured and next week the framing will go up. I never though I would see the day, but finally....our house is being built! No one told me that building a house could be quite stressful :)...well maybe a few people...but I sure did not listen. Oh well....our house will be on the market this weekend. We are doing a few things this weekend to get it ready to be sold. Since this is not the ideal time to sell....I hope someone will stumble across our house and want to call it theirs. And if they do.....WHERE ON EARTH are we going to go!! We haven't thought that far yet....our house will probably not be ready until March"ish" so if we sell before then we maybe living out of a bag, car, SOMEWHERE for a the time being! I just pray it all goes smoothly :)

On another note....we have been busy! The past few weekends we have spent at weddings and High School Reunions. By the way...I was talking with some of the girls who put Marcus' reunion together and they were saying it could take up to a year of planning just to get all the address together for the reunion. WELL those of you who read my blog and went to HS with me.....DO YOU KNOW IF THERE IS ANYTHING BEING DONE FOR OUR HS REUNION NEXT YR? To be honest...I can't quite remember all of our officers who would be in charge.

Now we are back and ready for the holidays....except this crazy weather! Hot one day Cold the next. Mason loves being outside so the weather really has been great for our walks and jogs we take quite often.
As for the next few months I will enjoy the Holiday Season, Pack, and have a 6th Anniversary!!
you are so precious! And i love your foundation! I can't wait to visit for my family vacation at hotel M&A! He he! And i know, we need to figure out who is in charge of this high school reunion thing! matthew's crew already has most of theirs planned!!!!!!!! Okay love and miss you! Talk soon!
Sarah and I talked about the reunion a couple of months ago...I am pretty sure she is one of the ones in charge! Which is good! Glad y'all had fun!
Wow, I feel bad now. I was class president and my reunion should have been about 2 years ago. Oh well. I see the people that I want to see, ya know? I also only graduated with 42, so that makes a difference. I am so excited about your house! I can't wait to bring Kagen to come visit. We'll have plenty of room it looks like!
UGH!! Yes, I am one of the ones in charge, but I'll start enlisting help right NOW if anyone is interested!!! I don't think Cooper's class of '97 has even done theirs yet, so I guess I figured I had some time.
I LOVE your sassy outfit! I will Laura...can't wait to vacation at hotel M&A. It would be fun to have our reunion with '97 (isn't that Jenny's class?) I miss you guys a lot! We really need to plan a girls weekend soon...I miss my girls!
oops...I really should proof read! That is supposed to say, I'm with Laura...
We should all help Sarah!
By the way, our house is at the exact same place as yours! Except our foundation is being poured today! YESSS!! I can't wait to go by and take a picture!!
Well, you definitely know how stressed I got during our house building process!!!! :) Just remember that you will think your house looks TINY once it gets framed, and it won't look normal until the walls are up - so don't freak out :)
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