Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Miracle Worker

Mason wakes up from his second nap a little cranky. He only wants to be held, doesn't want any snack, won't play with his toys, and FUSSES! Ever since he was 3 months old Mason has had this video Sesame Street's Sing Along. He has never really been one to be STILL....EVER!! He's always on the go and into EVERYTHING. Well recently Sesame Street's Sing Along is just what Mason has needed. After his second nap one day I took him to watch Sesame Street's Sing Along. Let me tell you the tears stopped flowing, the smile came back, and he danced and watched the video for the WHOLE 30 minutes. MIRACLE :) Now after his second nap he asks to watch his video...he leads us to the DVD player and starts to dance ;) Well this morning I was playing it while I got ready for the day. We left the room it was playing and went to my bathroom to finish getting ready. We could still hear the movie from our bathroom. Oh....did I mention I have all the songs MEMORIZED....apparently so does Mason. Well the saxaphone started playing the song Old McDonald Had A Farm. Right when Mason heard the music he ran to the room and started singing E-I-E-I.....before the words even came on. (He doesn't have the -O- part down yet :) What a smart cutie I have on my hands!


Anonymous said...

Tell the boogie man that his aunt Ninny loves him and that he is the smartest, cutest thing EVER. And yes, I stalk your blog and everyone else's you have listed on your site...its fun, one day you will have to set me up a blog.

campers said...

Sweet story....I had a student two years ago that would throw tempertantrums (in the 2nd grade) and whenever she would start in I would nonchalantly(is that how you spell it) turn the music on and she would calm down!!! I have found keeping music on in my classroom makes for happier children!!! Glad it works for Mason!

whitney said...

I loved hearing him say "EIEIEIE" the other day on the phone!!!