I keep making it to Mondays. At the end of each appointment the past few Mondays both the doctor and I thought the next time we would see each other would be in the delivery room. Well, Madelyn has different plans! And those plans seem to take me to Mondays and my next doctor's appt. Hopefully today was my LAST Monday appointment. I was anxious to see what she would say and if I had progressed in any way (which kept me up all hours last night not sleeping well :(
Blood Pressure: GREAT
Weight Gain: +0 YEAH :)
Madelyn's heart rate: STRONG
**Still almost 3 cm dilated and almost fully effaced. Still low...so not much change there!
So if I make it to NEXT MONDAY we will do an ultrasound, check out the baby, and induce....let's hope we don't have to wait much longer to hold sweet Madelyn in our arms and she makes it here before I make it to another MONDAY.

While I am away (at the doc that is) Mason and Hunter will play....and PLAY HARD...which lead to a 3 hr. nap today :)
+0 I hate you! I NEVER have heard those words.
Hope she comes soon....can't wait to see her precious little face!
Wow, no weight gain! Lucky you! Good luck. Hunter is a cute little boy. I'm glad Mason has someone to play with while you are gone. You are making it further than me now. I made it 39 weeks 4 days and then was induced. Poor you. I'm sorry.
I'm sending good easy delivery/no Pitocin baby vibes your way! I can't wait to meet Ms. Madelyn. And I'm wondering if I can drop off Alastair to play with Hunter too!
So lunch next Monday? HA HA. You keep making it to the next Monday..whats the deal?? Can't wait for Mason to come back over and play!
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