Wednesday, November 08, 2006

2 Month Check-Up

We went today to Mason's 2 month check-up. He is looking healtier than every. He was weighed measured and stuck with many needles. The poor lil guy!! When he went in for his 2 week check up and they weighed him he sprayed himself in his eye with his pee!! This time (being older and wiser) he held it in until I put his diaper back on....good boy!! Mason weighed 11 lbs 13 ozs (almost doubled from when we brought him home). This makes him in the 50% . Mason was 23 in long which also put him in the 50%. I have a growing boy on my hands. After the doc came in checked him out and told us what we already knew, we had a very healthy and beautiful little boy, we waited for the nurse to come give him his shots!! During this time Mason was happy smiling and gooing. When that door opened he knew what was about to happen...did I also mention how SMART my boy is? Mason clenched his fists and started to cry....he knew what he was in for. The nurse gave him his immuzations which consisted of 4 shots 2 in each leg and the rotovirus through a liquid drop. Mason was a trooper. I am proud of him and can't wait to spend the rest of my life watching him grow and change.
*Post doc visit with dad

*Pre shot pic playing with dad

*Pre shot pic playing with mom

*Post shot with dad (poor lil guy)


campers said...

ahhh poor thing!! He is too cute...even when he is crying! I love seeing pics of him!

Laura said...

I think he is so handsome and brave! I can't wait to see you and your little man next week! I am going to steal him :). You and Marcus look so happy! I can definitely tell he is yals baby!

Robert A Meacham said...

Mason, wish I could have been there to give that ole doctor a precious are these pics. We love you Masom.

Nanny & Papa

WhitneyandRandy said...

I love the picture of he and Marcus looking at each other!!

Robert A Meacham said...

OOPS- Instead of Austin- this post should be Nanny& Papa and Mason- Papa had a type-o. We love you.
Nanny& Papa

Hollie Reese said...

I can't believe how big he is. He is adorable! Yeah for the rotovirus medicine! Riley has had that at least 8 times...maybe we need to get some of that!