Friday, March 28, 2008

My Silly Boy

The other day we were driving down the road and I hear from the backseat....MOR MOR MOR (aka MORE) from Mason. I say what do you want bubba? And he keeps saying MOR MOR MOR. I come to a stop light and look to see what he wants....usually it is his dog, or D (drink), or cookie (crackers) . This time he was holding up his SHOE!!!! He then proceeded to SIGN the word PLEASE and say MOR MOR MOR and SIGN more!! My silly boy LOVES shoes :)

Bath time :
Mason LOVES his bath too! We used to have a smaller tub that we put into the big tub for him when he was smaller. But when we would travel he HATED baths...we couldn't quite figure out why. He would take a bath in the sink, but still was not a fan! We finally took the smaller tub away at our house and he only took a bath in the big tub, but we kept the yellow sponge thingy in the tub for him to sit on so he would not slide. Well tonight he stood up to get a bath toy then went to sit back down. When he sat back down his bottom was not on the yellow sponge thingy. He whined and pointed to his butt for me to put the sponge back under his behind. Now we know why he will not take a bath in other tubs....they have to have the yellow sponge thingy ;)

For more of Mason's 18 month/Easter pics go here:
Click on View Website
On the bottom right side click on the word CLIENTS
Password: Mason (make sure you capitalize the M)


Anonymous said...

What a silly lil man! I love that baby!

Aunt Ninny

Laura said...

I love it that he is learning baby sign! I am teaching laney and I hope one day she does it back to me! That is cute he loves shoes! Just like his Momma!

Kelli said...

Great pictures! Mason's such a handsome fella.

Nominate someone or something in need said...

yeah!!! i am so excited that you do this on the side!!! okay so we are totally flexible other than we get more w/ our package if we go on a sunday and come back on a wed. so if you can see anytime in later june or july leaving on sun and coming back on a wed.???? does that help? maybe june 25, think that is a sunday....? anyway good to catch up your blog too! everything i have found seems to be around 250 for one roundtrip. maybe that is good but uhhhh seems high to me??? i am clueless about this????