Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Bunny Visit

Ok...so the Santa Clause visit did not go well AT ALL! I was determined that the Easter Bunny visit was going to be better....Mason was older, the Easter Bunny looked like a big stuffed animal...it WAS going to work! Here is how the day played out:

My friend and I decided to take our babes to see the bunny at Katy Mills Mall yesterday. Our plan...be there at about 10:45am to be first in line when the bunny "opens" at 11:00. Well we get there we weren't first in line but only a few were in front of us. So we waited...and waited...11:00 came and went. The photographer lady dreaded to inform us...The Bunny was late and they could not find a replacement bunny....As she is saying this you hear moms explaining to their OLDER kids "the bunny is sick" Some moms even offered to dress up in the bunny costume for the kids!! DEDICATION!! Well we decided to run real quick into a store and come back to see if the bunny had shown up. Well we were gone about 15 minutes and when we came back FINALLY the bunny had shown, but now we were further back in the line (did I mention it was spring break!!!) We waited and waited and waited some more. Finally, we are almost there..only 2 people in front of us. Well....Let me just say...they should put a time limit on how long you can TRY to make your child smile. This one lady NO LIE tried for 10+ minutes. My blood was boiling at this point....BREATHE COUNT TO TEN, Andrea. Finally Mason's turn. I back him into the bunny...he is giving the bunny high 5's, not smiling, but not SCREAMING either. I look back to see if they got a picture...NOPE. The 2+ minutes he was siting contently in the bunny's lap not 1 picture. Then SCREAM...he starts screaming...and that is when they took the picture. Ok...blood pressure just shot up again. Needless to say I did not purchase the picture, and calmly left the Bunny area with no proof that Mason did not have a fit when he sat on the bunny except after a few minutes. I would love to write about the rest of our visit to the mall that day, but I would be here for A WHILE....so there you have it....what a catastrophe!


Laura said...

damn, sorry, that is my fav curse word. I won't say it in front of laney for all the judgemental bloggers :). That really stinks Andrea! i am sorry friend, you didn't tell me that after all of our venting?! I might have to skip the Easter Bunny, i can't decide.

ThePoeFam said...

You should have gotten it anyway! Quinn's Santa pic is just like that...and it's so funny! ... You could take him to some place that they have REAL bunnies! I think I'm going to do that next year! :) ...sorry for the bad experience!

Anonymous said...

The little guy wanted to go to a sporting event not see the damn easter bunny....cant say I blame him. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey....post about the Rodeo! Check out this link! http://www.usmagazine.com/fergie_not_pregnant

Tell Mason his aunt loves him and can't wait to see the little boogie again.

Anonymous said...

you can't tell me there is not a little bump here.
